How to Uninstall Adobe Flash Player the Easy Way – Do It Now!

HighTechDad Uninstall Adobe Flash Player How To Title sm squashed - HighTechDad™

This article walks through the steps on how to uninstall Adobe Flash Player from your Apple Mac computer the proper way. Do this now & share with your peers. The only people and companies developing for Adobe Flash now are probably hackers. Protect your Mac!

How To Fix Adobe Fireworks Hanging After Launch on MacOS


Adobe Fireworks is the lifeblood of many web developers, artists and bloggers so when it stops running, I envision all of these groups running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Recently, I ran into an issue where when I launched Fireworks, it would run through the splash screen, loading extensions and the like […]

Mother’s Day Gifts Made Easy with Adobe Elements 7 Suite


If you are reading this blog post now, it means you are a procrastinator or are reading this after Mother’s Day. Since I’m writing this just a few days before Mother’s Day, I’m the procrastinator. But no worries, what I’m going to write about here is an easy way to make a memorable gift for […]