Kids on Cell Phones Too Much? “Lock” Them in a Book #LifeHack


As like many other parents out there, my wife and I constantly battle with our kids about their cell phones and when it is ok to use them. If left to roam freely, I’m sure our kids would be glued to the tiny glowing screens 24/7 with bits of their mushy brain running out of […]

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Add a 10X Physical Zoom to your iPhone or Smartphone


Camera phone technology has gotten pretty good over the past few years with some of the cameras on smartphones rivaling digital cameras. In fact, on the photo-sharing site Flickr, the iPhone was the number one camera source. It’s much more convenient to carry one device around (a smartphone) than two (smartphone and digital camera). But […]

5 Tips on How To Make your Child Safer When Gaming Online


Just the other day, I was talking to someone about how playtime has changed since when we were children. The line that my parents used to say all of the time was “go out and play” and off we would go, getting into trouble outside, coming back with scrapes, bloody knees and bruises, covered in […]

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Shopping for Smartphones Making You Feel Dumb? It’s a Walk in the Park!


Everything is going smart these days. We have smart TVs, smart cars and the most obvious one, smart phones. What really is the meaning of “smart?” Are these items actually “intelligent” or do you have to be “smart” to use them? I would say it is a mixture of the two. “Smart” phones are probably […]