Hey Parents, Some Kids’ TV Shows are On Sale in iTunes for the Next Two Weeks!


With the weather (hopefully) changing for the better (at least out where I live), being good parents, we are pretty much required to get our kids OUT of the house and playing outside. That means, un-plugging from the computer/game console/TV/electronic gadget. But who am I to talk, I’m always plugged in pretty much everywhere I go. So, don’t be like me and stay connected, and DO get your kids outside in the fresh air and using their pent up energy. And when, after the frantic play is over, be ready to serve them lots of snacks and drinks. And then…be ready for them to crash!

After playing outside for a while, my kids usually just want to veg out in front of the TV. That’s great if you are home, but what if you travelling or camping or in a hotel (that has bad channels) or just on a road trip? What do you do? Well, if you are like me, you will fire up some kind of iOS device like an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and let them “relax” with that. The iPhone or iPad have become such digital baby-sitters, it’s almost embarrassing. But this post is not about plusses or minuses of depending on gadgets to get some reprieve from your kids. Letting them watch some TV shows on them once and a while however, isn’t that bad , in my opinion.

So, back to the subject of this post, the fact that right now on iTunes there is a 2 week sale going on for sales and rentals of Kid TV shows. Just head over to iTunes.com/tv and take a look at some of the cool deals:


My oldest daughter and I went through playing samples of Schoolhouse Rock (they have Vol 1, 2 and 3 on sale for $10.89/each season). Remember those classics? If you grew up around when I did, you pretty much should! So why not pass that on to your kids? It’s a great way to learn some critical learning facts in a fun way.


Of course, there are the classic SpongeBob SquarePants seasons as well. Some of the earlier seasons are on sale for $10 but the more recent ones are $15. Still, I’m pretty sure that my youngest daughter has completely memorized each and every episode of SpongeBob. But being able to have those at the ready really helps in those times where kids are waiting for you or if you just need them to settle down a bit, and, as I said, veg out. Pricing is discounted currently:

  • Season 1 – 4 is currently $9.99
  • Season 5 – 7 is currently $14.99


There are some other great deals on all sorts of TV favorites for any kids. Shows from Disney, Nickelodeon, Sesame Street and others are discounted…Dora the Explorer, Scooby Doo, Big Time Rush and more. There are even some free episodes like Curious GeorgeMister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and Super Why!


Again, if the weather is nice, get your kids outside, but there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from loading up your iOS devices with a bunch of Kids’ shows for those emergency “couch potato” sessions that your kids need once and a while. And, if you have an Apple TV, you can also rent these shows there as well, or even better, with the latest versions of iOS, you can simply stream these shows from your iPad or iPhone to the Apple TV. So, my recommendation is to actually buy these shows (instead of rent) so that you have them whenever you need them.

Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. More information can be found in my About page as well as here.

HTD says: Having kids’ shows available while you are on the go is simply smart, but getting those shows while they are on sale is even smarter!

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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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