Help @HighTechDad Become the Next Living in HD Insider!

On a whim a few weeks ago, I entered into a contest that sounded really cool. All that I had to do was record a video about why I would be the perfect Living in HD Insider and submit it. There were quite a few entries at the end of the submission period. A week later, I found out that I was one of the 10 finalists! First, please take 30 seconds and vote for me! Then come back and read the rest of this post.


In the video, you were supposed to answer the following questions in any format you desired:

  • As a content creator, why do you believe you should win this customized suite?
  • How would this suite help you create better, unique and/or different content?
  • What could you now do that previously you would not have been able to?
  • How would this benefit your community?

The suite in question consists of : the latest Panasonic HD products, including a VIERA 50″ Plasma TV, Blu-ray Home Theater System, Lumix Wi-Fi Digital Cameras, HD Camcorders, Toughbook Laptop and much more. The winner also gets a Lumix G1 SLR camera to give away to their own community.

Here was my video entry which I threw together in the last minute. It took about 1.5 hours to do the whole thing. I even tried to subliminally suggest that I didn’t record in HD (note old film scratches):

The more I thought about it, the cooler the idea of becoming a Living in HD Insider became!

The voting is open now (if the date is between October 20 and October 23) and time is running out!. The problem is, I NEED YOUR HELP! Some of the other contestants are pulling way ahead of me. So please vote for me!

How to Help HighTechDad

While winning would be fantastic, I think it is a longshot. Only YOU can change that. Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Make this page more visible: DIGG it, Tweet it, Stumble It, Share it on Facebook or other social networks
  2. Take 30 Seconds to vote for me: That “Michael Sheehan” on this page. The voting widget it to the right side. If you can’t vote, either you have voted already or the voting is closed
  3. Use one of the automatic Twitter messages below: I have tried to make your life easy. Simply click on the link next to one (or more) of the messages below and a new window on Twitter will open. Log in (if you aren’t already) and the message will appear in the status field. Feel free to tweak it or write your own.

Tweet #1 – “I voted for @HighTechDad in the #LiHDinsider contest! You should too! Vote here: Pls RT!” – TWEET IT

Tweet #2 – “HELP @HighTechDad get more cool gadgets to help with product reviews. Vote here: #LiHDInsider Pls RT!” – TWEET IT

Tweet #3 – “Win a Lumix G1Digital SLR. Vote for @HighTechDad as the next #LiHDInsider. If he wins, you could too! Pls RT!” – TWEET IT

Tweet #4 – “I want @HighTechDad to be in High Def! He’s a finalist for the #LiHDInsider contest. Vote for him now! Pls RT!” – TWEET IT

Tweet #5 – Make up your own tweet! Just include the url: and #LiHDInsider hashtag – TWEET IT

Remember, every vote counts. For those people who tweet it out, if I win, I will choose one of you to get the Lumix G1 DSLR camera who helped me get to the #1 spot!

HTD says: Please help me become the next Living in HD Insider!

2 Responses

  1. This would be great. I travel to vegas often since my mom (who by the way is 78 and got married last may) bought a house in vegas.

  2. This would be great. I travel to vegas often since my mom (who by the way is 78 and got married last may) bought a house in vegas.

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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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