No Output Audio Devices Suddenly on your Apple MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air? Try these 7 Fixes

How to fix audio issues on your Apple MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. Several items to try to correct no audio problems.

A few days ago, my MacBook Pro decided suddenly to tell me that it had no Output Audio Devices for sound. Clicking the volume keys or the mute button did nothing, no sound, and basically the onscreen display showed a symbol that indicated there was no device for the sound output anyway. When I went to check the Sound Preferences Pane, it showed that I had no devices whatsoever. Sound Input was fine and the built-in microphone responded to sound.

No Audio on MacBook

It seems that this odd issue happens all of the time to people, so I wanted to provide 7 things that you could try before deciding it is a hardware problem (which it could well be). Before you throw you laptop out the window, or spend time and money bringing your computer into the Apple store to talk to the Genius Bar, you should test out each of the items below. While I cannot guarantee that any of these will work (you may indeed have a hardware issue or something else going on), these possible fixes only take a few minutes to test.

The interesting thing is, when rebooting my computer, I did hear the start up chime, but as soon as I got to the login screen, the output audio was not working.

Each of these steps should be done independently and then tested. If you do them all at once in a row, and suddenly your Output audio is working, you will never know what fixed it. AND be sure to let me know which one WORKED for you!

Lastly, I would do this in the order listed below.

How to fix the “No Output Devices found” issue on your Mac:

  1. Reboot – rebooting your computer is a tried and true method for “fixing” all sorts of problems (and it is not limited to just Macs, it works for PCs too!). Sometimes your computer simply gets confused.
  2. Repair Permissions – this is a good thing to do regularly anyway, especially before and after you install new system software updates. Repairing permissions via the Disk Utility is something that is easy to do but can take a little bit of time.
  3. Reinstall the latest OS X Software Update – this is a great fix for all sorts of issues as well. Go to the Apple site and download the latest Combo Update for your version of OS X. And be sure to Repair Permissions after installing the combo update.
  4. Start in Safe Mode – try booting in “Safe Mode” by holding down the Shift key when starting up. Check to see if the audio is working after that. If it does work, there may be some other type of conflict going on and I would continue with the tips below.
  5. Delete the BezelServices preferences file – this is a mysteriously magical file. It controls those on-screen images that you see when you change the volume, eject DVDs/CDs, change brightness, etc.  But it also seems to be the source of all sorts of odd issues that you can never figure out, and tends to get corrupted. But the fix is easy and relatively safe. Go this preference file (location shown below) and just delete it and reboot. Location & filename: ~Library/Preferences/
  6. Plug in a USB headset – sometimes your Mac simply gets confused and needs to be literally poked by another audio output device. If you have a USB headset or speaker, plug that in and see if you get audio output through that device. If you do, that’s great! Then try unplugging the USB device and see if your on-board audio output device starts working. (Give it a reboot as well just to be sure it “sticks”).
  7. Plug in standard headphones – the funny thing is, the fastest and easiest fix is the one that actually worked for me. I just took some headphones from my iPhone and plugged it into the headphone jack and magically the on-board audio output started working (it might have worked had I tried the USB headset fix above – but I couldn’t find one). This was another case of the Mac just needing to be prodded by something to get it going. I DON’T recommend sticking anything else into that headphone jack though (grin!).

I would love to find out what solution worked for you or if none of them worked. I saw plenty of threads on the Apple Discussion forums around this issue and it seems to happen to any type of portable Mac. If it still doesn’t work, you can take it the Apple Store to get fixed. If you have a MacBook Air, you might want to check out for an Audio Cable replacement and install which you can potentially do yourself (but only for those who know what they are doing please!).

[easy-tweet tweet=”These #tips helped me fix #audio issues on my MacBook!” user=”HighTechDad”]

Remember, if you just keep digging around, you will eventually find a solution.

HTD says: Let me know if this did or did not work for you.

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843 Responses

  1. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, none of these steps worked for me :-( I’ll keep digging!

  2. It happens frequently on my MAcbook Pro mid 2010. Suddenly there is no sound. 
    The only way I found to fix it is disconnecting the usb hub from the laptop and reconnect it. I works well again, but not for ever. 

  3. THANKS!  Repairing permissions did the trick for me.  Early ’09 MacBook Pro 17″, upgraded to Lion about 2 weeks ago, no idea why it worked until now.  (although I did try to use google voice recently for the first time)

  4. Tried the lot above. The only thing that gave me hope was the restart in safe mode. After restarting it in safe mode (there is no sound in safe mode), I restarted it in normal mode, then there was sound.  If I restart in normal mode again for a second time, there’s no sound.  So if I want sound on my mbp I am left with 2 options.

    1. Startup in safe mode then restart it to normal mode.
    2. Never shut down/restart my mbp if not really necessary.

    Hope this may help someone

  5. This happened to me.  No Device under output.  I struggled for weeks and eventually had to reinstall with clean OSX lion because even a time machine backup would just recorrupt it.  Then just as I was getting my applications etc back to the way it was it happened again.  I finally found a post where somebody said delete parallels.  As I had just installed parallels this made a lot of sense (could this be the little bastard that caused so much crap in my life)  I ran the parallels uninstaller and then the Lion OSX combo 10.7.2 update and bang.  Sound is back.  I was about to give up on this but seems now its fixed.  I have rebooted multiple times and the audio device stays there.

  6. Headphones worked. Seemed like the easiest fix for a non-techie & someone who still doesn’t know her way the innards of a Mac (MacBook Pro) like I did for the PC. But I’d still like to know a permanent fix. 

  7. Apparently it is parallels that gives the problem. The software clashes somehow with the audio jack (Don’t know how though). So if nothing mentioned works, try and uninstall parallels.

  8. Apparently it is parallels that gives the problem. The software clashes somehow with the audio (Don’t know how though). So if nothing mentioned works, try and uninstall parallels.

  9. Thanks for the info. I had Parallels installed but didn’t need to uninstall it (just to make things more complicated). So it may or may not be Parallels.

  10. Thanks to you very-very-very much!! 
    Deleting the BezelServices preferences file is tottally helps me :D 

    I’m very happy 

  11. From macoxhints forums. This worked for me. There’s a microswitch inside the port that toggles between analog and digital optical output. With nothing in the port, the switch should go back to the default analog state. If you’re seeing that red light, the microswitch is stuck in the digital optical state–and the red light itself is, I presume, an internal terminator of the optical cable (though I haven’t actually opened the case to try to verify this).

    Sometimes the switch can be reset simply by plugging in and then removing some analog headphones. Sometimes the switch can also be reset by inserting and removing a digital optical cable. The point is that the switch is stuck and the only non-invasive way to attempt to unstick it is by “working” the port a bit by slowly and gently inserting and removing a plug a few times, perhaps best one that you don’t usually use in the port. The goal isn’t, however, to try to see how far into port you can push the plug, as that may be why the switch is stuck in the digital position in the first place; the goal is to activate/deactivate the switch a few times to try to get it working normally again.

    After that, there’s your neighborhood Apple technician and perhaps a pat on the back for reminding yourself to buy AppleCare.

  12. I managed to fix this issue by resetting PRAM. Hold Cmd+Opt+P+R when turning on the computer and wait until you hear that “start sound”. The computer has to restart min. 3 times.

  13. I tried everything except for no 3 and 4 and after reading this comments, it seems that parallels caused the prob. it seems logic coz the sound suddenly went missing after installing parallels!

    Uninstalled parallels, reboot, bang! Sound is back!! Thanks all!!

  14. Thanks for posting this. I tried all fixes except for the USB headset, unfortunately none of them worked, but uninstalling parallels solved the problem.
    All in all, after digging for possible fixes for the sound issue, this was the best post I could find, a great explanatory description — and the most helpful one including the comments that helped at the end.

  15. thanks, great help!
    Just by plugging in headphones things started to work again.
    The problem occurred on new Mac after migration old –> new Mac.

  16. I tried everything, and finally plugging and unplugging headphones about 50 times did the trick.

  17. resetting PRAM/SMC will fix this in one shot 

    Resetting PRAM and NVRAMShut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  18. Puff 4 U! Everything works gr8. Update, permissions and Bezel combo repaired my MBP after Lion’s Upgrade. ;)

  19. Sorry, coming in very late here, just want to post my success: Parallels was my killer. Tried E V E R Y T H I N G!!! But uninstalling this, and restarting, and my baby was back. Thanks for the posts on this forum!!!

  20. I have parallels.  I plugged in a set of powered speakers and got sound.  While playing a song using QuickLook (spacebar preview), I unplugged from the headphone jack and the sound reverted to the interior speakers.  Thanks for the guidance!

  21. #7 worked for me. I’m glad I didn’t work my way down the entire list and decided to skim it first. THANKS!

  22. I had to plug in headphones, turn off the computer, unplug them, then turn it back no problems. :)

  23. I tried up through step 5, including deleting a bunch of cache files using Onyx. Nothing worked. Then I remembered I had been fiddling in Audio Midi Setup and with my bluetooth headset. I went to Bluetooth preferences and deleted my bluetooth stereo headphones. Oddly my iPad was listed in bluetooth with music notes next to it (could have been just an indication that it was connected to iTunes but it strikes me that it was the same icon that my stereo headset had). Anyway I deleted it too. Rebooted, and voila! The audio is back. So it was definitely bluetooth headset related.

  24. Thank you for this information.  I have a macbook pro with an intel dual core processor and just upgraded to Lion.  My headphone jack worked but not speakers.  I tried step 6, rebooted and nothing.  Then I tried step 7 and plugged in my apple headphones and was listening to a song on iTunes and halfway through the song unplugged the headphones and my sound started working.  Thank you again!!!

  25. Plug in the headphones worked for me.  I found a red light coming through from the headphone plug hole and after I unplugged my headphone plug the red light disappeared and onboard sound card worked.  Thank you.

  26. Internal audio device had disappeared. Headphone socket had disappeared. I read this page deleted the Library/Preferences/ file  and also tried plugging in a crappy old USB audio interface. Like magic my internal audio device reappeared upon reboot. Now unfortunately I don’t know which idea fixed it but…one of those two tips fixed it. Thanks so much.

  27. HELP My MBP has no sound at all. no start up chime. Itunes, DVD, Skype will not play. I have tried all your options with no joy. I have nothing in output/input, no red light in headphone port, nothing. I use it for email and the kids watch dvd’s. You mention parallels, how do I check that?

  28. I had plugged my audio speaker in at the weekend and for some reason it disconnected all sound except when i put the head set on. to fix the problem i reconnected the speakers, the audio symbol went from grey to black. I unplugged the speakers again and the black symbol blinked once then stayed on. many thanks for your help.

  29. Thanks! Number 7 worked for me. I think the “LogMeInSoundDriver” caused the trouble for me. Before reinserting the headphone “DigitalOutput” was the other option.

  30. Solution number 5 worked for me, thank you so much!! Was going crazy!! Unable a lot of people, I did not have a red light coming from the headphone port. Most solutions online referred to that…. I have an international trip coming up in a few days and am going to be editing video on my Macbook Pro, so this is a lifesaver!!

  31. i had same problem. thanks for the tips.
    i rebooted, had the chime when restarted, but still no audio.
    i plugged in a pair of headphones (standard) this solved the problem for me .

    why does it do this?
    thanks again for your suggestions.

  32. I usually will plug headphones in and then check and see if those are working. If so close your laptop and leave it running. Then open it back up and remove your headphones. This has worked for me three times now and once today. I hope that this helps you.

  33. By now the problem returned and solution #5 doesn’t work anymore…  Neither do the other solutions… Have to search the web for other solutions… :-(

  34. Things are getting weirder. Ik did solution #5 once again, because on the apple forum they insist it’s a hardware problem (audio cable or something). I don’t believe that. After removing the I rebooted. Now my audio works again and I can adjust the volume via the preferences pane and via the volume keys on my keyboard. However: the audio icon in the top screen menu pane, next my wifi icon, remains greyed out and I can not adjust volume there using the mouse.

    Don’t tell me this is a hardware problem…I run Lion on a MBP. 

  35. I’ve tried everything except #6..I hear the startup chime, but still no audio output (unless I’m plugged in w/ headphones). After I unplug my headphones I noticed the red optical light inside the audio out slot continues to glow and blink. Idk if I have parallels installed, most likely not tho..and I don’t know what else to try. Any new suggestions?

  36. Neither of these options have worked. I also have flash videos crashing after about 3-9 seconds. I think the issues might be related because they both happened at the same time…Any ideas?

  37. I had been transferring audio from a recorder to my Mac and the sound output showed only headphones available for output. I tried your LAST suggestion first. Took out the audio transfer cord to plug in a set of earbuds, and before I did, the System Prefs Sound window showed Internal Speakers as the only option. I am guessing this is exactly where I need to come to figure out why my external speakers quit working. THANK YOU so much for taking the time and making the effort to put this out here!

  38. I was so encouraged by my results I am trying to reconnect my external speaker system. I have been systematically going down the list, but to no avail. The system doesn’t see the external speakers. I did change out the cords from the speaker master to the computer. I did try other speakers. Don’t have USB headphones. Hmmmm – my mac only lists my internal speakers still, though I’ve done all the other suggestions.

  39. I was so encouraged by my results I am trying to reconnect my external speaker system. I have been systematically going down the list, but to no avail. The system doesn’t see the external speakers. I did change out the cords from the speaker master to the computer. I did try other speakers. Don’t have USB headphones. Hmmmm – my mac only lists my internal speakers still, though I’ve done all the other suggestions.

  40. My audio problem remains. Removing the plist (#5) does nog work for me anymore (see my post below), although it did at first. Since the problem remains, I keep on searching the internet. I also experience problems running video’s from youtube (overall safari seems shaggy, lately): they seem to stop after 6-11 seconds. I have come to the conclusion that both problems are related, although I am not yet sure how. Yesterday something interesting happened: I played a video with VCL. It surprised me with producing audio from the internal speakers, while every controller was still greyed out (top screen bar, preferences). 

    Anyone any good ideas?

  41. Following the above assumption that my audio problems and the video problem with youtube were related, I decided to check my Flash player (which is used for playing Youtube videos). It would not be the first time Flash interferes with my system. After updating tot, I rebooted. Surprise, surprise: video’s on Youtube are running smooth again and my audio has returned! Let’s see if this result is sustainable.

    I hope this is helpful for others.

  42. This just happened to me and I freaked out until I found your post!  Turns out I just had to re-insert my headphones, jiggle them around a bit, and then pull them out.  Thanks for the tips!

  43. point no 7 worked for me….this was the first thing i tried and bamm it started working again…thanks for the post.

  44. You are my new guru.  Thank you High Tech Dad!  Two days of panic and finding nothing in the Apple Downloads remotely related to my problem and…voila!  It was as simple as a software update fix.  Each time my computer searched for software updates, I kept getting the message that my software was up to date.  The longer it took me to find a solution, the more I believed that my computer was dying and/or I would have to shell out those hardware prices to fix both the built-in speakers and mic.  How frustrating.  I am so glad I finally typed the right combo of keywords that led me to your page.  Thanks again.

  45. For step 5.) I didn’t need a reboot, just deleted it and logged out and then back in. 

  46. hmmm…mine made a sound thats like on the T.V. when it has no signal and all you see is white and snowy thing and makes loud annoying sound.. and now it says no input device found lol

  47. For those running Mountain Lion. Okay, well possibly not in connection with mountain lion. Anyways, the plug in a jack headphones worked for me.

  48. Interesting video. Thanks for providing. I think the re-inserting the headphone cord into the jack probably does something similar to what is in the video.

  49. I had no input or output devices listed. I carried out steps 1-4, testing each and nothing seemed to have worked so I shut the macbook down again. HOWEVER, the next time I started up the problem was gone!!!! You are a legend!! I now have a very happy wife and 2 year old again.

  50. A parallel reality, in which Adobe Flash Player appears vulnerable to some sort of zero-day hacker exploitation? Or a figment of my overworked imagination?

    I also suddenly lost audio volume control. I compose music, on an iMac running 10.8.2. What might be a reasonable way of understanding these odd details and their core meaning, as well as much such affects the integrity and thereby trust-worthiness of my operating system?

    The disconcerting details:

    – the output in Terminal of a “ls -lArtcuBGFe@ /” clearly indicates that the following
    folders were most recently updated at the root level of my hard drive:


    – the output of the same “ls” command within the /bin and /sbin folders revealed that
    many a UNIX-level command-line tool bear modification dates too recent and uniform
    in their date/time stamp, especially given that no OS upgrade nor any relevant
    installation of software has occured, not withstanding a proper verification as per
    /var/log/installer.log, in well over a month.

    – A CrashReporter log bearing a date/time stamp within 30 minutes of the subsequent
    replacement of various binaries in /bin and /sbin was identified, describing Flash
    Player, with a disconcerting header cryptic in the wording of its indication
    of some type of compromise

    What would you conclude, If all the above are valid, reasonable, verifiable, and true? Personally, I would then opt to forgo the advice in this article, which remains appropriate and good advice, given in a well-worded article, yet relevant to some symptomatically similar yet divergent reality.

    In the end, Mr. Steve Jobs earns my further esteem and praise, as I learn by practical experience why he had such harsh words of criticism and disapproval for Adobe Flash Player, citing some unforgivably great percentage of the identified root cause of the total of reported malfunctions received with relevant, technical details. Mr. Jobs, you were indeed visionary, and your wishes to ban Flash Player from the Mac operating system, though seemingly draconian to the ignorant masses, proves its worth in my case, years later.

    Warm regards, perhaps seemingly from Never Never Land to those still posessed of the luxury of ignorance or the good luck of having no similar reference point experientially,

    XOR xEC OR
    – yet another trivial nerd –

  51. mine was stuck with digital audio out. the plugging headphones in and out did not work. sticking a toothpick in to hit the back of the socket (where there is a digital audio switch, I guess) DID.

  52. There are enough solutions listed in the article and in the comments and users should try those before the download and install an app that is not coming from the developer and that includes a keygen (which are know for having malware). If the app does indeed work, please link to the developer of the app and pay for it.

  53. Thanks for posting this. At least I got all my software updates done out of this, but funny enough, #7 fixed it for me too. Should make it #1. =-) Thanks!

  54. Plugging the headphones in quite a few times worked for me. Some posts have mentioned a red light coming out of the headphones outlet…I did not see it initially but after plugging it in a few times I saw the light they were mentioning. I also tried resetting the NVRAM/PRAM too which might work for some of you.

  55. I tried almost all of the above and the only thing that worked was reinstalling OS X…however this is not the first time I have issues like this.First time round i could not get sound through headphones…very disappointing from Apple…

  56. Not Sure witch one fixed, but this was my issue. I use my MacBook pro with a USB Audio controller for a DJ software called “Serato”. Yesterday, suddenly crashed, and the internal speakers got the error in matter. I did… Step 1, (and Reboot Zapping the Ram as well). Step 5, and then my controller went live again. But the Speakers didn´t. I did Step no. 2, but Fixing Licences didn´t do the try. and finally Step 7. And when unplugging the headset, the internal speakers came back again. Apparently, the fix will vary between machines. ¡THANKS FOR THE HELP!

  57. What worked for me (after many days, restarts, etc) was just muting the output volume in sound preferences. bizarre.

  58. Hey guys! Just thought i’d add how i solved this too. Before even finding this page i ran the command below, it worked for a while but the problem just came back, before remembering about the command, i rushed around google and found this page, hehe.

    Open a Terminal prompt, and run this; sudo killall -9 coreaudiod

    Enter your password and then press enter. This command seems to kill the audio daemon for the system and then, from what i can guess, simply refreshes all connected audio devices and the result is audio returns on the internal speakers.

    Hope this helps :)

  59. Repairing permissions worked! Pretty much everyone of your other methods worked for me in the past, but this time I was stumped. Thanks for the help.

  60. I was so distraught over this! I tried everything including the disk utilities repair, and after I did the repair, I rebooted and finally got some sound again:) Thanks SO much for your help and comments!!

  61. Thank you so much!!! This worked for me on my (old style) 2008 MacBook Pro, after a month of faffing around trying all the other things on the list with zero success. I used a paperclip bent straight rather than a toothpick. It’s hard to see but I think there’s a little switch that is actually to one side very near the back. After going into system preferences my socket was glowing red; using the paperclip made the red light go out and now the built-in sound works.

    I suggest definitely adding this one to the list! Plugging headphones in and out multiple times never worked for me. I hardly ever used headphones in the past so maybe my switch had just jammed up with dust (although I had used an external speaker system a few days before I noticed the built-in sound had stopped working so that could have been the cause).

  62. Brand new issue, audio works fine until I plug in my MagicJack. Then the regular audio- music, app sounds, etc.- can only be heard through headphones, although the MagicJack still has audio without headphones. Wtf? I recently installed Boom and wonder if this has some sort of random conflict causing this. Any ideas?

  63. I had this issue and popped into the Apple store to ask a “Genius” if he had heard of this issue and was advised to book an appointment and lug my 17inch macbook in for them to look at. I found this post on google, it was the first one I tried. I did as you suggested, and plugged my headphones in. The sound worked! Unplugged them, still worked! Restarted and Bob’s your uncle I have sound again. Genius my ass! Thanks for the help, maybe apple should hire you :P

  64. Well nothing worked for me and I got really frustrated and figured I would stick in the headphone jack and twist it around and now my audio is back on :)

  65. None of these fixed it – However I logged into the “guest user” profile and it was working fine there. When I’m logged into my own profile no output sound (except for system sounds) on my speakers or when I plug in headphones. However, when using a bluetooth speaker it works fine.

  66. I just got it to work– I played music over bluetooth speakers and then turned off bluetooth and magic, it started working on my computer

  67. I’ve had this issue several times now. Usually when I connect my MacBook Pro to an external monitor.

    Step 5 works every time for me.

  68. The insertion and the wiggling of the headphone jack did the magic. Thanks for the tip.

  69. Thanks so much for your list of fixes. Inserting a pair of headphones seemed to have done the trick. Too bad I had to go through the rest of the list to get to the solution. Thanks again!!

  70. Great that it worked and sorry it took so long to get to your solution. I appreciate you providing feedback!

  71. I had tried all of these except #5 before coming to this page. I just attempted it and still nothing. I don’t believe that it is a hardware issue since the speakers work upon starting up (the chime). I’m about to to a file systems check in root mode to see if that fixes the issue. I would also like to note that no devices showed in safe mode either. I did however do some upgrades to my macbook that might be causing the problem. I’m wondering if its a driver issue or something. Message me on facebook if you can.

  72. It seems to me that a lot of people have found that #7 fixed a lot of things. If you can, I would see if you can look into the headphone jack and see if there is any damage or dust or anything like that. Without actually seeing the Macbook, it’s hard to diagnose remotely.

  73. thanks. i just had to insert 4 different types of headphones.. waiting a minute and magic! It just worked again. Thanks so much!

  74. I don’t have a USB headset to try, but none of the other suggestions have worked thus far. When the problem first started, restarting a couple of times, but it doesn’t any longer. I’ve scrolled through many of the other suggestions and don’t see anything else worth trying (except for maybe the toothpick??). Are there any other suggestions here that I might have missed that you would now put on your list, hightechdad?

  75. it has been more than 2 years since this post was published and started helping people… i was freaking out with this issue, i’ve tried everything i’ve found in google with no success, but finally installing the combo update worked for me…

    Thank You so much HighTechDad!

  76. HAHA after almost eight months of at first being able to fix this problem with a matchstick/cutip/hairclip and then being able to do nothing I found this thread! These are all great but before i even tried any of this I opened terminal and poof fixed!

    Didnt even have to enter anything just simply opened terminal. Cheers User1960!

  77. My Mac Pro had this problem and what worked was I plugged in a USB flash. Strangely, rebooting in safe mode, standard earphones, and audio usb plug ins did not jolt my audio back, but a flash drive storage did. Your post was great help, though… saved me the time of reinstallation, especially if that turned out to not work either!

  78. same, just put headphones in and out quick a few times and it re appeared… weird aha

  79. my boss’es computer had this issue we tried PRAM reset and #7, when I got it back in the office we tried #5 and #2 at same time and the rebooted.. and we heard the familiar DONG sound and all was well.

  80. There seems to be a specific issue with the 2011 17″ Macbook pro, where certain failures happen near the same time. The audio output to the local speakers disappears and none of those suggestions work. One of the USB ports acts sporadically, and the backlight for the keyboard doesn’t work. They have already replaced the logic circuit once for this and it looks like I will have to request it again. If anyone ever buys a Mac and doesn’t buy the service warrantee, they had better be wealthy.

  81. Hi,
    I lost control of volume after installing Ubuntu 12.04 on 2nd partitiion of my MacBook (OS X 10.6). Running DiskUtility to fix permissions, and then verifying disk (just in case – no errors were found), and then rebooting fixed my sound issues. Thanks!

  82. My itunes won’t play every time i inserted the headset, but internal speakers works fine.

  83. My mac doesn’t have password because the previous owner has removed it. When i opened the terminal and tried sudo killall, it didn’t work because i didn’t enter the password. :(

  84. Well, you could try just hitting enter when it asks for a password. Or you can set up a password (which you should have anyway).

  85. I tried rebooting and putting in headphones. I got sound with the headphones and internal speakers but the minute I took them out, back to no audio devices. On a whim I took out the battery (my battery/charging icon indicated that it was now dead), found nothing suspicious, and put it back in. Voila! Everything was back to normal, even the battery had come back to life!

  86. Hi initially i had no sound output at all, last night i tried all the fixes in order and reinstalling osx helped. I was glad that sound output was working fine from both the speaker and also while earphones were plugged in. Today another issue has surfaced, the sound output works only when earphones are plugged in… when i unplug the earphones the volume icon on the top dies out and there is no sound output… there is also a red light beam i can see inside my earphone jack… what could i do to rectify this issue? Thank you

  87. It sounds to me that you may have something in your headphone jack. You should try the trick of plugging in the headphones a few more times.

  88. I’ve been trying that … but to no benefit … thanks a lot anyways … I can use my earphones for all practical purposes now. i’ll probably take it to the store in a couple of days if the issue doesn’t resolve itself :)

  89. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  90. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  91. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  92. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  93. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  94. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  95. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  96. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  97. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  98. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  99. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  100. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  101. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  102. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  103. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  104. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  105. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  106. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  107. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  108. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  109. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  110. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  111. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  112. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  113. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  114. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  115. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  116. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  117. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  118. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  119. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  120. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  121. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  122. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  123. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  124. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  125. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  126. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  127. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  128. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  129. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  130. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  131. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  132. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  133. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  134. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  135. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  136. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  137. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  138. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  139. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  140. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  141. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  142. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  143. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  144. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  145. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  146. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  147. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  148. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  149. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  150. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  151. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  152. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  153. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  154. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  155. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  156. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  157. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  158. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  159. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  160. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  161. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  162. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  163. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  164. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  165. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  166. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  167. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  168. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  169. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  170. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  171. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  172. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  173. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  174. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  175. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  176. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  177. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  178. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  179. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  180. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  181. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  182. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  183. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  184. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  185. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  186. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  187. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  188. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  189. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  190. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  191. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  192. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  193. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  194. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  195. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  196. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  197. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  198. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  199. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  200. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  201. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  202. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  203. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  204. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  205. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  206. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  207. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  208. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  209. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  210. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  211. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  212. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  213. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  214. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  215. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  216. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  217. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  218. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  219. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  220. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  221. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  222. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  223. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  224. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  225. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  226. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  227. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  228. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  229. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  230. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  231. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  232. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  233. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  234. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  235. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  236. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  237. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  238. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  239. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  240. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  241. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  242. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  243. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  244. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  245. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  246. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  247. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  248. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  249. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  250. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  251. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  252. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  253. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  254. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  255. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  256. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  257. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  258. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  259. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  260. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  261. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  262. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  263. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  264. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  265. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  266. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  267. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  268. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  269. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  270. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  271. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  272. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  273. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  274. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  275. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  276. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  277. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  278. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  279. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  280. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  281. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  282. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  283. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  284. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  285. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  286. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  287. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  288. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  289. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  290. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  291. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  292. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  293. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  294. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  295. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  296. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  297. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  298. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  299. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  300. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  301. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  302. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  303. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  304. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  305. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  306. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  307. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  308. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  309. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  310. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  311. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  312. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  313. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  314. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  315. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  316. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  317. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  318. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  319. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  320. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  321. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  322. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  323. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  324. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  325. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  326. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  327. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  328. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  329. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  330. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  331. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  332. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  333. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  334. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  335. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  336. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  337. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  338. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  339. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  340. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  341. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  342. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  343. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  344. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  345. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  346. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  347. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  348. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  349. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  350. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  351. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  352. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  353. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  354. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  355. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  356. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  357. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  358. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  359. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  360. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  361. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  362. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  363. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  364. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  365. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  366. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  367. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  368. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  369. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  370. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  371. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  372. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  373. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  374. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  375. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  376. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  377. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  378. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  379. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  380. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  381. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  382. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  383. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  384. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  385. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  386. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  387. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  388. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  389. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  390. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  391. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  392. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  393. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  394. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  395. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  396. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  397. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  398. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  399. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  400. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  401. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  402. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  403. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  404. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  405. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  406. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  407. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  408. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  409. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  410. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  411. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  412. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  413. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  414. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  415. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  416. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  417. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  418. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  419. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  420. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  421. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  422. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  423. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  424. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  425. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  426. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  427. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  428. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  429. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  430. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  431. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  432. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  433. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  434. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  435. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  436. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  437. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  438. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  439. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  440. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  441. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  442. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  443. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  444. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  445. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  446. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  447. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  448. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  449. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  450. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  451. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  452. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  453. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  454. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  455. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  456. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  457. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  458. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  459. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  460. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  461. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  462. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  463. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  464. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  465. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  466. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  467. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  468. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  469. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  470. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  471. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  472. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  473. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  474. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  475. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  476. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  477. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  478. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  479. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  480. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  481. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  482. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  483. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  484. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  485. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  486. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  487. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  488. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  489. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  490. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  491. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  492. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  493. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  494. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  495. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  496. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  497. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  498. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  499. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  500. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  501. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  502. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  503. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  504. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  505. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  506. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  507. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  508. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  509. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  510. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  511. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  512. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  513. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  514. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  515. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  516. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  517. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  518. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  519. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  520. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  521. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  522. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  523. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  524. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  525. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  526. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  527. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  528. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  529. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  530. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  531. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  532. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  533. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  534. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  535. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  536. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  537. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  538. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  539. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  540. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  541. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  542. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  543. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  544. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  545. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  546. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  547. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  548. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  549. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  550. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  551. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  552. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  553. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  554. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  555. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  556. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  557. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  558. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  559. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  560. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  561. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  562. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  563. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  564. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  565. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  566. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  567. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  568. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  569. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  570. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  571. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  572. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  573. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  574. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  575. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  576. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  577. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  578. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  579. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  580. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  581. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  582. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  583. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  584. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  585. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  586. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  587. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  588. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  589. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  590. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  591. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  592. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  593. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  594. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  595. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  596. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  597. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  598. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  599. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  600. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  601. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  602. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  603. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  604. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  605. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  606. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  607. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  608. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  609. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  610. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  611. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  612. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  613. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  614. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  615. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  616. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  617. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  618. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  619. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  620. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  621. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  622. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  623. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  624. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  625. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  626. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  627. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  628. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  629. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  630. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  631. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  632. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  633. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  634. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  635. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  636. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  637. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  638. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  639. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  640. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  641. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  642. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  643. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  644. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  645. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  646. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  647. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  648. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  649. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  650. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  651. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  652. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  653. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  654. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  655. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  656. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  657. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  658. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  659. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  660. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  661. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  662. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  663. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  664. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  665. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  666. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  667. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  668. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  669. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  670. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  671. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  672. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  673. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  674. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  675. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  676. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  677. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  678. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  679. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  680. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  681. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  682. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  683. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  684. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  685. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  686. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  687. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  688. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  689. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  690. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  691. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  692. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  693. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  694. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  695. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  696. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  697. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  698. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  699. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  700. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  701. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  702. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  703. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  704. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  705. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  706. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  707. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  708. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  709. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  710. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  711. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  712. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  713. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  714. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  715. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  716. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  717. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  718. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  719. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  720. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  721. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  722. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  723. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  724. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  725. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  726. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  727. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  728. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  729. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  730. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  731. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  732. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  733. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  734. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  735. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  736. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  737. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  738. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  739. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  740. Hi the issue sorted out on its own. didn’t have to do anything at all. Thank you for the help.

    Mac = attention seeker :P

  741. Hello HTD
    just wanted to say thanks for the headphones trick. Who would have thought that would work?!

  742. Hi,
    Thanks for the tip, the exact same problem occured on my 2008 macbook (black matte).
    A normal reboot or headphone connection or USB headphone, did not solve.
    I did a Repair permissions too and rebooted, but did not help. Following this I created a new account (standard), logged into it, logged oof, shutdown and restarted, then got into my admin account,and it worked. Cannot say how or why.
    Thanks for the tip.

  743. When the sound icon keys would not work, holding down the shift key while starting the computer worked for me!!

  744. I dropped my mid-2011 MacBook Air and had this problem. None of these fixes worked. I FIXED IT myself by buying some tools at and going through the steps to replace the I/O board, except I just put the original back in. Along the way there are several cables to remove and one of these could have loosened enough to cause this problem. Attaching them all securely during reassembly seems to have done the trick! If that had not fixed the problem, I was ready to order an I/O board replacement from iFixIt and install it.

  745. You may not check this blog much at this point, but I followed your steps and step one took me to reboot it and I didn’t even know how to do that so I googled that and it took me to an apple blog which stated that audio was stored in PRAM and you have to restart the computer while holding down option + command + p + r. sound immediately worked! PRAM!! thanks for the help!!

  746. I have a 2008 MacBook that suddenly lost sound. I went through all your steps but to no avail. I kept looking for ideas and ran across a 2006 post that recommended putting a bobby pin head or end of a matchstick into the headphone jack (mine had started blinking red). Apparently the sensor could be stuck or bent and still think the headphones are in. But I had tried putting my headphones in and wasn’t even getting sound through them. But, the bobby pin worked! The Internal Speaker option finally appeared :).

  747. I am so thankful that I found this page of yours, Firstly I repaired the disk permissions, then rebooted my computer. Thank you I now have my devices working.

  748. Delete the BezelServices preferences file Worked for me. Thanks so much. it was very helpful.

  749. Removing the Bezel Services file worked for me. Also, I would recommend doing these in order of quickest and easiest to most time consuming most intrusive. Reinstalling the latest OS X update is probably the last thing I’d do because the other items on the list can almost all be tried in way less time than an update might take.

  750. thank you thank you, plug in USB headset worked, how come, very strange!!! I was listening to my bible today and tonight nada sound!

  751. Hej! Plugging and unplugging the headphones made audio available again. Thanks a lot for the hint!

  752. Hey,
    for me worked the rebooting AND reseting my PRAM with “alt+cmd+P+R”.
    Now everything back to good on my MB pro 2012;-)
    Thanks for collecting the tips.

    Ciao tom

  753. Thanks so much – I just plugged in my iPhone earphones into my laptop and I was able to hear sound through those. I unplugged it and I was finally able to hear sound without them too. Fantastic advice. Strange, but fantastic. Thanks.

  754. Wow, I just went at least 1 year with no devices. As a last ditch effort before either buying a logic board or new computer, I decided to try one last time. After repairing my permissions, I restarted my computer in safe mode with a usb headphone attached. Incredibly, it just starting working again like magic. I now have my internal audio again!

  755. Cheers HTD! No. 6 ended up being the one that finally worked, so glad to have the sound back it was getting a bit worrying.

  756. It doesn’t work for me… I am starting to believe that I really have a hardware problem. I can hear through bluetooth, but the Mac Diagnostic says that I have a hardware problem with the audio. I’ve tried even reinstalling but it didn’t work…

  757. I tried everything and removing the Bezel plug in worked for me! So appreciated your post. At first after re-installing the OSX updates the volume bar started working with a delay and still no sound, then removal of the plug in returned sound. Viola!

  758. plugged in headphones then on the volume icon hold down the option key and click on sound preference and switched audio port from audio output to audio input then disconnect headphones…

  759. I plugged in headphones and they worked. Although I had tried earbuds before and they hadn’t worked! I also did the disk permissions while listening to music on headphones (because the internal speaker still didn’t show up as a device in preferences). After fixing permissions, ka-zaam! Internal audio output and input are back! :)

  760. Plugging in headphones worked!! I had just had headphones in the computer and took them out to go to bed when the audio stopped working. Pluggin the headphones back in fixed it. Thanks so much !!

  761. If you want a permanent fix for the macbook air replace the dc jack/usb audio board. Thats whats causing the problem most likely if you lost your audio it means that board has a problem..

  762. my sound pane suddenly greyed out. no reason at all. i was just watching a movie, i think i only moved my table a little and my laptop’s sound just disappeared. i checked and it’s mute and i can’t unmute it. and there’s no sound device input/output. i tried updating, downgrading, and i also reformat my mac. i tried killing coreaudiod, safemode,repair permissions etc. nothing works for me at all. (T_T)

  763. Hmm, sounds odd, especially after reformatting it. Seems to me like it might be a hardware problem. Did you try the trick of cleaning the jack? Or inserting headphones in? There are lots of other suggestions in the comments. If you do find one that works, be sure to leave feedback! Good luck!

  764. i tried cleaning the jack. and i never use it for music or anything. there seems to be no reason for it to greyed out. i did not download anything. it just greyed out like that. i tried all the things they said but nothing works for me :-(

  765. Just so you know, I had this exact same problem except the input device is also not showing up. I brought my mac air for repair 4 times… they said it might be that the speaker receded?! I am not a techie person, sorry. I left it overnight and when I picked it up the next day, they said they basically “fixed” the speakers. I watched a movie at home and it was ok for a while and then the problem started again. I brought it back to the store, they said it could be a software issue. They reformatted my mac. It worked for a little while… and then it happened again. I brought it back again and this time they said it is definitely a hardware issue. They replaced the speakers. Nope…. Same thing… I called apple support and absolutely refused to go back to get it “fixed” for the 5th time. My mac is 6 months old. Anyway, they agreed. They want it back as well saying they’ve never had an issue like this before. It’s a lemon! I am getting my replacement in the mail after I ship this out.

  766. It is 2017 and deleting the BezelServices file worked!!!! thanks !!!! Why isn’t apple as helpful as you??????

  767. None worked for me. Both output and input devices are gone. It happened after I connected my MBA to a bluetoth transmitter/receiver attached to my TV. It seems that the bluetooth drivers have corrupted the audio input/output or something. I can only hear the sound through a bluetooth device and that`s it.

  768. I don’t understand where to find that file to delete it. ~Library/Preferences/

  769. The problem is, the ~Library is often hidden by the Mac OS since it contains various system files. Normally you cannot access it. What you can do is download the Onyx app (which is free – just be sure you install the proper one for the MacOS you are using). Once you have it installed, go to the Parameters section and click on the Finder item. There, you can choose “Show hidden files and folders” which will allow you to view the ~Library folder. Then you can just find the file there manually. Hope that helps.

  770. No, the problem is that the directory isn’t called ~Library, it is called ~/Library — why do you write here if you don’t know that?

  771. I have a macbook Pro (early 2011) I deleted the ~Library/Preferences/ file and restarted, magically the headphones now work again. Thank you

  772. It worked ……plugging in the headphones and vola I can see my output device……Thanks a lot

  773. Nothing works. When i start it up there is the start up sound, but when i log in my account there is no sound. When i go to preferences there are not output devices or input devices found.

  774. The ‘delete ~Library/Preferences/ file and restart’ didn’t work for me the first time, but the second time I shut my macbook down then restarted and bam! There’s the sweet sweet boot sound again. Bless you smart geniuses <3

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