Conquer the Wind & Rain with the Uniquely Designed SENZ Stealth Umbrella


Bring on the sideways rain! I’m even ready for a mini-hurricane to come blowing down the street and try to take my umbrella, rip it up and destroy it! In fact, I’m ready to take on just about anything that Mother Nature can throw my way. The reason I think this way is because of a techy umbrella I have been testing out, the SENZ Stealth Umbrella.


So lets think about this, how many times have you bought a cheap umbrella and had it turn inside out on you or have a rib break in it or have the end pop out of the binding? Or how annoying are those HUGE golf umbrellas that cover a whole square block, poking peoples eyes out as you walk down the street? Umbrellas are great but their design is just plain awkward. Sure they can cover you and keep the rain off of you when it is raining, but that is only under ideal circumstances. I mean, how frequently is rain nicely dropping down at a 90 degree angle with not even a breeze? Most of the rain that I encounter leaves umbrellas looking like this:

Photo Source here

The SENZ Stealth umbrella really works. It not only is incredibly strong, there are little design elements that are carefully thought over that make it even better. First, the shape of the SENZ from a side perspective looks like an aerodynamic airplane wing. The front of the umbrella is a lot shorter than the back. The back expands far enough to cover a backpack. The handle is padded and opens in the opposite way than you would expect. Instead of lifting up to open, you actually pull the handle down toward the base and it snaps into place. Once the umbrella is open, it won’t be moving anywhere. The ribs hold it open and it is very solid.


But the construction doesn’t stop with the tight rib design, the edges of the ribs that hold the fabric of the umbrella down have a unique design as well. Typically a very vulnerable section of an umbrella’s design, the tip of the rib usually holds some thread that is connected to the umbrella fabric. With the Stealth umbrella, the end tip is a lot more solid with less room for failure. Also, the end is flat so it won’t put anyone’s eye out if you bump the end into someone.


The SENZ is supposedly windproof up to 70 MPH for the standard size umbrella. I have not tested this but I have an idea on how to do it so I may try something later (should I do it? leave a comment!).The SENZ Mini can handle winds up to 40 MPH and the SENZ XL can handle high wind load as well, but you probably need to really anchor yourself down if you open the XL in the wind. I probably would recommend anchoring small children down when using the larger sized SENZ in a windy rainstorm! Regardless of the size, these umbrellas are guaranteed not to turn inside out. In fact, because of the design, they seem to almost even out to the proper height, much like the how an airplane will level out. Because these umbrellas hold so well in the wind, they include a wrist strap that I recommend using so that you don’t loose your grip on it. The umbrella actually can become a mini-sail and pull you along the road!

You can see my quick test of the SENZ Stealth Umbrella in action below:

I must admit, I was a bit skeptical when I heard about the SENZ umbrella, I thought it was another gimmick of good marketing. I watched all of the videos on the SENZ site and simply thought that these were pre-fabricated in a studio. But after I tested it all out, I now fully believe the claims!

The SENZ Stealth is carried by Totes-Isotoner in the US. The full line can be found here. There are three sizes (mini, original and XL) and come in different colors. The price is a bit more than a cheap umbrella you might get at the corner store, the Mini retails for $50, the Original for $55 and the XL for $65. You can pick these up on Amazon for $47.95 for the mini, the original seems to be retailing at about $60 and the XL anywhere from $65-70.


If you have a chance to borrow one of these SENZ Stealth umbrellas from a friend or coworker, definitely try one out! I believe that you will be pleasantly surprised. I have already convinced a couple of friends and family to get some. The Original size is pretty much the same dimensions of a standard umbrella. I have not seen the Mini nor the XL. Personally, I would have liked to have tested out the Mini for portability, especially while commuting since it appears you can fold it up to fit in a bag or backpack. Overall, the SENZ Stealth will change your perspective on umbrellas through its unique design and solid construction.

Disclosure Text : I have a material connection because I received a gift or sample of a product for consideration in preparing to write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item or gift after my review period. More information can be found in my About page as well as here.

HTD says: Believe it or not, a uniquely crafted umbrella that can withstand the rain and win and not turn inside out DOES exist! The SENZ Stealth can make any rainy, windy day just a bit easier to deal with!

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Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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