
Our own “three wise monkeys”

The origins of the phrase “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” may not be truly known, the phrase, on the other hand

Way behind on my posts

Just been way to busy. Here are some highlights of things that I have done: Update my activeCollab site to the latest Release Candidate Fixed

Firefox 2 Phishing Warning

How to combat Phishing Scams

So, I previously posted about Phishing scams and what they look like (with screen shots). I figured that I would continue my Public Service Announcement

Soccer warmup

Cobras are 4-0!

Another good game for my daughter’s soccer team, the Cobras! This was one of the closer games with the talent of both sides being fairly

Race for the Cure!

My wonderful wife did a wonderful thing. About a week ago, she decided that she would do the Race for the Cure (The Susan G.


Go Cobras!

My oldest daughter, Natasha, is a member the Cobras of LMYA Soccer. They are currently 3-0 and looking really solid! I’m so proud of my

Anti-Spyware Tools (recommended)

There are two anti-spyware tools that are free that I recommend all Windows users install: Spybot Search & Destroy SpywareBlaster Both of these tools are