
Netvibes update – Cinnamon release

Looks like Netvibes has updated their code with a new release “Cinnamon.” This is the development track towards their 2.0 release. Some of the new

Soccer warmup

Cobras are 4-0!

Another good game for my daughter’s soccer team, the Cobras! This was one of the closer games with the talent of both sides being fairly

MORE Apple Support madness!!!

So…the madness continues. After all of the fun as outlined here and here, and thinking that “all was well” when I received the laptop package

Race for the Cure!

My wonderful wife did a wonderful thing. About a week ago, she decided that she would do the Race for the Cure (The Susan G.


Go Cobras!

My oldest daughter, Natasha, is a member the Cobras of LMYA Soccer. They are currently 3-0 and looking really solid! I’m so proud of my