In Between Successes – The Career Pyramid


Many years ago, I heard a career counselor talking about the time between jobs. He said never to call them “jobs” but rather “successes.” Using the word “success” to describe employment is a way to keep your outlook positive and convey that same positivity out to others. Ever since I heard that career coach, I […]

Social Media Policy for Families


Quite a few years ago, I came up with some Social Media Guidelines, primarily geared towards businesses. I realized I also seem to write a lot of tips and recommendations for parents on how they can help their kids with social media. That got me thinking. Perhaps, I should come up with a social media […]

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Using Cloud Computing to Test, Develop and Innovate


Are you using cloud computing yet? If so, that’s great. If not, what is holding you back? Do you know enough about it? Do its capabilities confuse you? Have you not found a good use for it? I would guess that you are using cloud computing without even knowing it. As I work in the […]

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Tech News: Android & Apple, PS3 & 3D, LinkedIn Open & iPhone Worm

I’m going to try something new here. When you are writing about Gadgets or Consumer Electronics, things happen quickly within the space. While I try to post 1-2 gadget reviews a week, that takes time and often I miss out on quickly discussing things that catch my eye. So, I’m going to embark on a […]