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More Funny Car Videos: “Mom My Ride” & the “Swagger Wagon”


On Wednesday, I posted a couple of funny advertisements coming out from Nissan. It turns out, obviously, they aren’t the first to do this. A co-worker, and mom, pointed me to a couple of other really funny videos that are specifically focused on “the family mini van.” These two particularly hit “home” with me as […]

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My Brain was Upgraded at Intel’s “Upgrade Your Life” 2010 Summit


A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending the Intel “Upgrade Your Life” 2010 Summit (my announcement) which was a gathering of a variety of technology influencers and bloggers. At this summit, we were introduced to a number of different individuals representing different initiatives within Intel. There were 10 of us invited to […]

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Dads, Have You Done “The Big Snip”? – Cast of Dads Podcast #24


As all 5 of the us on the Cast of Dads have recently recovered from Father’s Day, with a variety of good times and adventures, we spent some time discussing something that “cuts close” to our Dad-dom, that of “The Big Snip”. Can you guess how many of us on COD have actually had the […]

Keep Track of your Kids through Social Media & a Cell Phone, But BE CAREFUL!


I have always been a big proponent against the use of Social Media by children, especially when they are in elementary school. Interacting with Social Media is not something you want your kids doing at an early age, at least not until they can really understand its implications. However, as they grow older and more […]