iPhone: SummerBoard 3.0a11 released – works with 1.1.1 firmware

Litho Theme

Just a quick note, SummerBoard has been updated to now work on iPhone 1.1.1 firmware. There are now two types of installers in AppTapp, one for pre 1.1.1 firmware, titled “Summerboard (Old)” – version 2.11 -, and this new one just called “SummerBoard” – version 3.0a11. It can be found under the System Category (or […]

iPhone: AppTapp Installer 3.0b3 released

AppTapp Featured

The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade. The number of apps have grown so much that there was the definite need to reorganize how they were structured. So without further ado, here […]

iPhone Firmware 1.0.1 released

With little fanfare, lots of anticipation and a bit of a letdown, the first firmware update from Apple for the iPhone was officially released. It looks like it was primarily a security update with no truly outwardly visible modifications. Details on what was included in the release are below…but first a couple of thoughts. It […]

Firefox Add-ons that I really like (and use)

I’ve been finding Firefox more and more to be the browser that I naturally launch first. It’s starting to beat out Safari and Maxthon as my preferred browser. It is great that it is basically the same across all platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux). The other great thing about it is the huge amount of […]