The Job Search Roller Coaster and Getting Social


Why are roller coasters so much fun? Is it because of the rush of speed as you plummet down multiple stories in a seeming free fall? Or is it being thrown into your seat as you race up a hill? Or is it the corkscrew turns that twist your stomach upside-down? Or perhaps it is […]

In Between Successes – The Career Pyramid


Many years ago, I heard a career counselor talking about the time between jobs. He said never to call them “jobs” but rather “successes.” Using the word “success” to describe employment is a way to keep your outlook positive and convey that same positivity out to others. Ever since I heard that career coach, I […]

Making Lemonade – In a Vacuum, Don’t Complain, Just Do!


We have all heard the old adage “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” right? I think that more people should focus on creating success than dwelling on misfortune. In the age of entrepreneurship where anybody can take even a mediocre idea and just run with it, we need to learn to turn a deficiency […]