Want to Fold Some Crazy Paper Airplanes? Get Some Klutz Help!


I would like to call myself almost an expert at making paper airplanes. As a kid, I made hundreds of them, but they were always one of two types, either a glider or a stunt plane. When my kids were younger, I tried to teach them the art of folding the perfect plane. I had […]

iPevo Kaleido R7 – A Higher-Tech, WiFi-Connected Digital Picture Frame


One of the biggest sellers for Father’s Day in recent years has been digital picture frames. I got one a few years ago and it’s sitting on my desk, scrolling through the same set of great pictures as when I first got it. I haven’t gotten around to changing the picture set, mainly because that […]

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Humor: Can you find “Little Johnny?”

Can you guess who is Little Johnny?

I’m sure that many of you have heard the “Little Johnny” jokes that circulate in email. If you haven’t, just take a look through this search in Google and you will see some. Well, have you ever wondered what Little Johnny looked like? Here is a recent class picture. I’m not going to tell you […]