Tech Companies

Way behind on my posts

Just been way to busy. Here are some highlights of things that I have done: Update my activeCollab site to the latest Release Candidate Fixed

Powerbook on the table #1

Installed the keyboard myself!

Well, I figured that I would try to save a little bit of $$$ and get some more notches in the tech belt and install

Powerbook unboxing – Part 3

So, I got my wonderful Powerbook back from Apple Care yesterday. Yes, they fixed the issue of the ALS (Ambient light sensor). Now I’m shopping

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MORE Apple Support madness!!!

So…the madness continues. After all of the fun as outlined here and here, and thinking that “all was well” when I received the laptop package

Cookie Monster killed my Safari

Over the past few days, I had been having issues with Safari simply crashing every time that I launched it. No matter what I did