iPhone App: ApolloIM update on its way

I have reinstalled the Apptapp Installer mentioned in my previous post and it seems to be more stable now (of course I am not monkeying around in the bowels of my directory structure this time). It was updated to version 2.4 as of this writing. There are plenty of new applications now available for install […]

iPhone App: Telekinesis – remote access your Mac through mini web apps on iPhone


Now this code creation really wow-ed me! I was searching to find out if LogMeIn worked on the iPhone. (It does, sort of, but impossible to mimic button clicks…yet. But that is another story.) So I found a really interesting application called telekinesis (hosted at Google code) that truly impressed me. It doesn’t profess to […]

Family Tech: Easily manage what sites your kids see with Glubble

Glubble Inline Approval

Finally I have come across something to write about that truly talks to my site motto “where technology and fatherhood collide.” It is not very often that I can write about a new service or piece of software that can help a family. Computers are now as common as TVs and now kids have computers […]

reCaptcha – post comments and help digitize old text

I’m sure that a lot of people have heard about Captcha…if you have downloaded files from RapidShare or tried to post comments on a blog (like mine) or register for a new site service or something like that, you have probably come across Captcha. Captcha stands for Completely Automated Turing Test To Tell Computers and […]

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Working with Pheedo, Feedburner and Wordpress

Feedburner Issues

I have been playing around with Feedburner, Pheedo and my blog’s feeds and somewhere in the process, something got confused (or maybe I did, who knows). My old feed started showing rows and rows of the “email this * save to del.icio.us * add to del.icio.us…” etc. (See the image below) My intention was to […]

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WordPress updates code to 2.2…and I follow

First post under WordPress 2.2. Did some rookie moves when I did the upgrade (thought I remember what I needed to do) and forgot to push the wp-includes directory. Here are highlights of what changed (aside from the 200+ bug fixes/feature upgrades). Widgets – you can get rid of your Sidebar Widgets plug-in by Automattic, […]

HTD Roundup: Snippets of Tech that I have been playing with

It’s been a while since my last post so I figured I would do yet another laundry list of things that I have been doing and technology I have been reviewing: Updated my Blog Theme to Redoable 1.2 – still a work in progress as there are some issues preventing me from showing what I […]

Find your path through Wikipedia using Pathway

Pathway - multiple links

Okay Mac/Wikipedia users, this one is for you. Have you ever found yourself lost navigating through the incredible amount of links and cross links within Wikipedia? It’s truly hard to use the back button to go back and forth throughout Wikipedia when your exploration is truly multi-layered. You need a breadcrumb trail and a way […]

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NeoOffice 2.1 released – MS Office for Mac replacement

OpenOffice - Writer

If you are tired of paying for Microsoft Office for Mac, you have had an alternative for some time, that of OpenOffice. The “problem” with OpenOffice is that you have to have X11 (a windowing environment) installed on your Mac. And it looks like a “port” from Windows. Enter NeoOffice. NeoOffice was updated to 2.1 […]

Save precious hard drive space on your Mac

Monolingual - Languages

If you are like me, disk space is a precious commodity. I tend to download gobs and gobs of software and never clean it up. Pictures and MP3’s can suck up a lot of space on your computer as well. How do you manage your disk space? Well, I found a great little (free) application […]

Check your server DST settings using PERL

The new Daylight Saving Time is almost upon us. My company is losing money now on all of the IT updates that we have to do (but that is another story, in fact, I read today that some Economic Analysts now think that the change will not save energy/money because while people won’t be using […]

Loving this new WP theme!

This is really a nicely designed theme. It has a series of built in Sidebar widgets, clean implementations of style guides and all sorts of nice eye candy. It also has built in paragraph classes for specific tags. The site is located here. It seems to have quite a following. I’m slowly starting to get […]