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HTD’s Tech News Snippets – July 20, 2010

I’ve started commenting on some articles that I come across daily on my surfing of the Net. I post these using Amplify.com (you can see my Amplify posts here). I’m testing a RSS Digest aggregator that pulls in these items. Hopefully this will work well, so for starters, here are some things to read: Beta […]

My Brain was Upgraded at Intel’s “Upgrade Your Life” 2010 Summit


A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending the Intel “Upgrade Your Life” 2010 Summit (my announcement) which was a gathering of a variety of technology influencers and bloggers. At this summit, we were introduced to a number of different individuals representing different initiatives within Intel. There were 10 of us invited to […]

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The Ford Sync – a “Knight Rider” for the Rest of Us


Remember way back in the 80’s there was a TV show called Knight Rider where one of the two main characters was a car that talked to you and responded to your voice commands? Of course K.I.T.T. (the name of the car which stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand), did a lot more than just […]

The Sony DigiDad Project

Sony DigiDad Project

No, it’s not about turning a bunch of dads into Skynet, cybernetic offspring. Nor are there going to be a new line of kids DigiPets that are modeled after fathers (but that would be an interesting idea). The Sony DigiDad Project is actually pretty cool (probably because I’m in it)! So here’s the scoop. Sony […]