Why You Should Write Long-Form Content & Blog Articles

Brand journalist - long form content

This has always been a debate: which is better – long-form content or short-form content? My opinion is that long-form is better for story-telling. Other experts agree. And Google is smarter now giving longer form QUALITY content a higher rank. My recommendations & other experts’ tips in this article.

I’m Writing Tech News for You to Steal


Yes, you read the title correctly, I am writing tech news articles for you to take, use and put your own name on, and photos and videos as well. Long live plagiarism! While everything that I have said is true, I do think it is important for me to clarify things a bit. The stuff […]

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15 Top Cloud Computing Use Cases


Cloud computing is established. And it has been proven by small and large businesses alike. Over the past 5 or so years, I have seen all types of companies adopting cloud computing as both primary and secondary sets of on-demand compute. Some cloud computing use cases are pretty traditional (e.g., a simple web presence) while […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Repurpose Old Content from your Blog


I have often been asked: why the heck do you have those automated tweets of old content coming from your blog? What is the reasoning? They are outdated and might not be topical, could be viewed as out of context and, in my case, might be talking about technology, products or services that are over a […]

10 Ways Brands Can Work More Effectively with Top-Tier Bloggers


Bloggers are not second class citizens. At least not all of them. I do have to draw a bit of a line here between those “bloggers” who simply post sales, coupons, contents and giveaways, and those who produce content in the form of reviews, how-to articles, social commentary, experiences, analysis and the like. In my […]

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Expanding my Content Wings – Writing for Man of the House & Babble


You may of noticed that there’s been a slight slowdown in content on HighTechDad.com. This isn’t because I haven’t been writing, quite to the contrary. It’s actually because I’ve been spreading my wings a bit and now I’m writing on a couple of other sites. I love writing, the hardest thing is finding the time […]

How I Write a Blog Post. How Do YOU Do It?


Sure, this sounds like a very boring and subjective topic. I assure you, it really is. But I’m writing this on the odd chance that someone out there might find it useful. I have been blogging now for several years, starting back in 2005. And during that time, I have tried out several methods and […]

Review: Blogo – Mac Blogging Software Done Better


Back in June 2008 I happened across some new blogging software for the Mac called Blogo. The problem was, I was pretty jaded about Mac blogging software having tried MarsEdit, Ecto and MacJournal which all seem to be stuck in the late 90’s from an interface perspective. Sure, they all did the job but left […]