Why You Should Write Long-Form Content & Blog Articles

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This has always been a debate: which is better – long-form content or short-form content? My opinion is that long-form is better for story-telling. Other experts agree. And Google is smarter now giving longer form QUALITY content a higher rank. My recommendations & other experts’ tips in this article.

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What is a Technology Evangelist?


I often get asked by friends, family, acquaintances and recently, companies that I’m interviewing with – what is a Technology Evangelist? While many within the technology space understand the position, it is still relatively unknown within the job marketplace. In fact, when I first started the position almost 6 years ago, it was definitely one […]

Staples Provides Tools for the Next Great American Novel


A few weeks ago, I was asked if I wanted to get some products from Staples to write about. Sure, I said, thinking it would be a box of paper or a crate of paper clips or an assortment of binders. Traditionally, when I thought about Staples, visions of boring office supplies came to mind. […]

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A Collection of My How-To Articles on GoGrid Cloud Computing


While I spend a lot of time writing articles for HighTechDad during the off hours and in my spare time, my day job as Technology Evangelist for the cloud infrastructure company, GoGrid, allows me to do a lot of other types of articles. These articles tend to focus on the cloud, GoGrid product and service […]

As a Blogger or Brand, Why is Continuity Important?


Having just completed my 7th year of blogging, I have learned quite a lot. What started for me as simply a way to both help people and provide insights on a variety of topics, now has become part of my life and my persona. As my website has matured, I have uncovered nuances and patterns […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Repurpose Old Content from your Blog


I have often been asked: why the heck do you have those automated tweets of old content coming from your blog? What is the reasoning? They are outdated and might not be topical, could be viewed as out of context and, in my case, might be talking about technology, products or services that are over a […]