
Way behind on my posts

Just been way to busy. Here are some highlights of things that I have done: Update my activeCollab site to the latest Release Candidate Fixed

Powerbook on the table #1

Installed the keyboard myself!

Well, I figured that I would try to save a little bit of $$$ and get some more notches in the tech belt and install

Powerbook unboxing – Part 3

So, I got my wonderful Powerbook back from Apple Care yesterday. Yes, they fixed the issue of the ALS (Ambient light sensor). Now I’m shopping

MORE Apple Support madness!!!

So…the madness continues. After all of the fun as outlined here and here, and thinking that “all was well” when I received the laptop package

Bringing life to an old laptop

More fun in techdom. My wife’s laptop hard drive was filling up…becoming more fragmented…and therefore, slowing down. I decided to give it the gift of


So, my cellphone, the Sidekick has a new life! This is first, a great gadget! Cell phone, web browsing, instant messenger, camera, PIM…even has games.

Silly Sally


…so much tech…