Giveaway! Your First Smartphone Could Be the HTC First!


It’s been a while since I hosted a giveaway, so I thought that I would start out the Memorial Day Holidays with a giveaway holiday! If you don’t have a smartphone yet, this giveaway is for you! Or, if your child is ready for their first smartphone, you better enter. Or if you simply want […]

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Get Your Game On with the PlayMG, an Android-based Gaming Device (#Giveaway Too!)


I would be surprised to find a kid that doesn’t play games on some sort of an hand-held device. They are either borrowing their parents smartphones or tablets and playing game apps there, have their own smartphone or hand-held gaming device devoted purely to gaming, or using some sort of other gaming outlet like a […]

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5 Tips on How To Make your Child Safer When Gaming Online


Just the other day, I was talking to someone about how playtime has changed since when we were children. The line that my parents used to say all of the time was “go out and play” and off we would go, getting into trouble outside, coming back with scrapes, bloody knees and bruises, covered in […]

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Mother’s Day Motorola RAZR Madness with the Cast of Dads – Brady Bunch Style!


As part of the forces driving the Cast of Dads to greatness, we are always looking for corporate sponsors who are looking to have engaging, innovative and even funny promotion of their products or services. For Mother’s Day this year, Motorola sponsored our most recent episode of the Cast of Dads (we even hosted a […]

Does the Blackberry Playbook Have Another Play Up Its Sleeve? Potentially!


I remember when the Blackberry Playbook was first announced, in fact, I was at the CES 2011 where it was revealed. Everyone was saying what an amazing piece of hardware it was but then over time, the details emerged about how closely tied it was to having a Blackberry smartphone. Also, during the 1.5 years […]