Be Fearless this Father’s Day – The Case Foundation Giveaway


Have you ever wanted to take a risk and not done it? I know I have. I’m a bit of a creature of habit who likes comfort. But sometimes, there is that little voice that tells you to just “go for it” and take a risk. Sometimes that voice can be your inner self and sometimes it’s an exterior voice providing you support and encouragement. Think back at your life. Who has pushed you to take a plunge or do something different? Frequently it’s a family member, a spouse or significant other or a mentor. Whomever it is, take a second to think about what would have happened had they not given you a little or big push. Where would you be now?

As Father’s Day approaches, we focus our lenses of attention on the Dads of our lives. I know that I do. And these Dads are not confined to your direct family. They can be fatherly figures and people who you look up to and respect. If you are a Dad, think about your kids. Do you give them that support, comfort and strength to enable their dreams? Being a dad is not a job nor a chore. It’s a way of life. Frequently, you have to remove your own fears and uncertainties just to be a better father. You might take a risk so that your kids don’t have to.


This Father’s Day, The Case Foundation wants to know about your story of how your dad or a dad in your life has helped you succeed through taking a risk. They have a site devoted to being fearless, with  five key elements of a “Fearless Approach:”

  1. Make Big Bets – taking the easy road in small steps leads to insignificant gains
  2. Experiment Early & Often – don’t be afraid to go first; know that even if you fail, experience matters
  3. Make Failure Matter – failure teaches – learn from it; wear your failures like a badge of honor
  4. Reach Beyond Your Bubble – share the risk through collaboration and reap the benefits through new ideas & innovations
  5. Let Urgency Conquer Fear – there is just too much work to be done to hesitate

These are great key elements to live by or to help inspire others to do more by.

Tell Your Fearless Father Story to Win

So do you have a story about how a dad has helped inspire you or be a risk-taker? If so, head on over to The Case Foundation page on Facebook, look for the Father’s Day Sweeps page and share your story. Be sure to read the official rules. And each eligible participant is given a chance to win 1 of 3 Nike Fuel Bands.


Do you have a Fearless story that you want to share? Big or small, it’s the story that counts! And be sure to think about those contributions that dad in your life has made to you as a person.

HTD says: Have a great and FEARLESS Father’s Day.

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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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