
MacWorld 2007 Photo 1

My MacWorld 2007 – SF Predictions

So, 5 minutes before the Steve Jobs’ Keynote, here are my predictions: – iPhone (PodPhone is what I’m calling it) – Tablet Laptop – 802.11n

Well…that didn’t last long!

So much for my attempt to write 1 review a day…guess the holiday vacation blew a pretty big hole in that one. I will get

Blackberry 7100t sync issues resolved

My wife has as Blackberry 7100t and the other day, it just “stopped” synching with the Desktop Manager (4.1). Basically, it would connect and then


So, my cellphone, the Sidekick has a new life! This is first, a great gadget! Cell phone, web browsing, instant messenger, camera, PIM…even has games.