TORRAS COOLiFY ZONE Wearable Waist Fan

TORRAS COOLiFY ZONE Wearable Waist Fan

While the TORRAS COOLiFY ZONE Wearable Waist Fan doesn’t have built-in refrigeration, it does provide a powerful and adjustable breeze, cooling your front or back while you are on the go.

Setting it up and using it is incredibly easy. Just charge it using the included USB-C cable (it doesn’t come with a wall plug, though) and then put it around your waist. Great that it includes two different-sized belts. Then press the on button to cycle through three different fan levels. Press it again or long-press the single button to turn it off. It’s pretty quiet, even at the highest fan level. It is important to note that it does not provide cooling – it is just a dual-fan setup. And I do feel it is a bit expensive. However, if you are hot and sweaty, it does provide good relief by blowing air on your front or back.

HTD says:

While the TORRAS COOLiFY ZONE Wearable Waist Fan doesn’t have built-in refrigeration, it does provide a powerful and adjustable breeze, cooling your front or back while you are on the go.

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Note: the price listed below is as of the writing of this review (or if I have done a manual update more recently). To get the latest price, I recommend clicking the Buy button below.


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