New Video Series: Work/Study at Home “Tech Tips” during COVID-19/Corona Virus Era

HighTechDad launches a new video series of Tech Tips for Working or Studying at home during the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) era.

The “normal” world as we knew it no longer exists. COVID-19 (the Corona Virus) has completely turned everything upside down. As a society, actually, as the human race, we have new normals, some that are completely foreign to us. And we are adapting and learning as we go. As families and households are now “sheltering at home” as a means to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of the Corona Virus, we all are now adopting new habits as well as learning new tools and technology. In order to help in whatever tiny way I can, I have started a new video series designed to provide Tech Tips for this “new normal.”

I hope to release these videos fairly regularly but other priorities may dictate when they are filmed, edited, and published. However, one thing that I’m learning from the COVID-19 era is that community close and far is extremely important. I would LOVE to get tips from MY community of viewers and readers, so be sure to leave a comment on this article or on the videos themselves.

Below is my introductory video on the series. This is very informal. I only desire to do what I can to help others during these difficult times. If you have questions, please ask them!

In the video above, I devote time to thanking our healthcare professionals, nurses, doctors, first responders, and all of the staff supporting them. They work tirelessly, often without even being able to be with their families. I also want to thank all of the critical services workers — those working in grocery stores or pharmacies or delivering mail and packages. There is quite an extensive list to thank actually.

And if you or someone close to you has lost someone as a result of this horrific virus, my heart and soul goes out to you.

As a society, I believe we are pivoting to help people more. Humanity is evolving, at least in some parts of the world.

Be strong. Be healthy. Be safe. Flatten the curve. Practice Social and Physical Distancing.

For those working or studying at home, some “Family Distancing” is sometimes required. So, one thing you can do is watch my Work/Study at Home Tips playlist.

I will be writing short articles for each video I publish. So watch for updates on my site and social channels. Also, be sure to read my article “With Social Distancing in Effect, Try Social Media “Gathering” Instead!” as some of it was inspiration for me breaking out the video camera.

Again, if you have questions about the content, or your own tip that you want to share, please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. We are all students during this time. And, even the teachers are learning things as they go.

HTD says: In a world turned upside down, we need to look for the positives. Hopefully, this Tech Tips video series will make your Work or Study at Home environment even better.

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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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