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IoT Confessions from the War Room – A Content Marketing
Part 2 of my corporate content writing example. Be sure to read the other articles for context. When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT…
IoT Confessions from the Boardroom – A Content Marketing Experiment
When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT solution article, I chose to write about IoT in the form of a TV script. This is…
A Content Experiment in Corporate Blogging – Introduction to the
It is important, as a content creator or content marketer, to be unique & think outside of the box when it comes to creating compelling content. My example.
Why You Should Write Long-Form Content & Blog Articles
This has always been a debate: which is better - long-form content or short-form content? My opinion is that long-form is better for story-telling. Other experts agree. And Google is…
Small Steps Make A Bigger Impact – Overcoming Violence
As the United States is hit with yet another violent and tragic school shooting, as concerned citizens we must do something. In-action is plaguing our government and the violence continues.…
10 Candid Observations After 2 Weeks Using the Apple iPhone
After a couple of weeks using the new Apple iPhone X overseas and domestically, I have 10 observations on its features, design, and functions.
Top 10 iOS 11 Features You Should Know About &
Here are the top iOS 11 features as compiled by HighTechDad. iOS 11 has many great enhancements so this article outlines how to use the top iOS 11 features.
We Must Be Citizens of Humanity Before Citizen Journalists
Human-instigated tragedies around the world have made me realize we need to be citizens of humanity instead of citizen journalists.
An Apple “Beta” Is Exactly That, A Beta! (20+ Tips
If you are installing or planning to install Apple iOS & macOS beta software, you need to be prepared. Tips, tricks, and advice when installing these betas.