10 Father’s Day Shopping Tips – But First, Bring your Cell Phone!


With Father’s Day right around the corner, how are you going to make your Dad (or husband) happy? For me, any type of gadget will make me grin, but that is probably not what each and every dad wants. The best bet is to develop a strategy with your siblings or kids in order to […]

The Ford Sync – a “Knight Rider” for the Rest of Us


Remember way back in the 80’s there was a TV show called Knight Rider where one of the two main characters was a car that talked to you and responded to your voice commands? Of course K.I.T.T. (the name of the car which stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand), did a lot more than just […]

No AT&T iPhone Tethering Because of the Apple iPad 3G?


Is tethering ever going to arrive for AT&T and the iPhone? Rumor has it, it will be coming soon. We are a year later after there was an announcement that tethering would be coming to the iPhone. But then various parties started dragging their feet. Could AT&T handle the extra strain on their network? Was […]

How to Become a Kid Again – Get a New Gadget!


People have been searching for the Fountain of Youth for ever, the magic elixir that will keep them perpetually young. I hate to disappoint them, there really is no such thing. Youth comes from within, from your soul, your heart and your mind. If you want to be young, you will be. Conversely, you want […]

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Aaxa P2 Pico Projector Shoots a Big Bright Picture from a Tiny Box


A few months ago, I reviewed the WowWee Cinemin Swivel pico projector. It was the first pico projector that I had tried out and put down a pretty high standard. Since then and after reading through various articles and press releases coming from CES, it seems that my prediction that pico projectors would be hot […]

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The Apple iPad – Why It Might NOT be a Winner … Yet!


So earlier today, I fully drank from Apple’s vat of Kool-Aid. I wrote about Apple’s new iPad and how I think that it will be a game-changer. I still think that it has definitely drawn the line in the sand for the competition to go after, but when you report on any ground-breaking technology, you […]

Apple’s New iPad Announced and My Thoughts – Is It A Winner?


The weeks of waiting and speculation are now over. Today, Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, unveiled a new device for Apple called the “iPad.” Building upon the success of the iPhone/iPod Touch OS and the elegance of the MacBook Pro lines but with the portability of the MacBook Air, Apple reaffirmed its innovative stance within the […]