Blog: New theme, new functionality, new bugs

I have just recently applied a new theme to my blog, trying to keep many of the color schemes from before but also trying to help readability. However, it is still a work in progress as I test out many new plugins and style changes. I ask that if there are any readers out there […]

Family: HTD’s Commentary on “Guy Kawasaki on Parenting” Interview

I read an interesting interview on Parent Wonder with Guy Kawasaki about fathering/parenting four children. This interview, while short, was intriguing to me as I have three children and frequently get wrapped up in technology and seeing how it can be used to better parenting (hence my quote “…where technology and fatherhood collide…”). But really, […]

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WordPress update: Version 2.2.3 released with Security Fix

Just updated my blog with WordPress version 2.2.3 (haven’t taken the plunge with the beta version 2.3 yet but I am working on a new theme). The 2.2.3 version is just a security release that they recommend people upgrade to, especially regarding two high-priority bugs. The following bugs were closed: 3002 – On Windows machines […]

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These baby videos WILL make you laugh!

baby laughing at the wii - HighTechDad™

Just some Friday, YouTube humor to make you laugh…I hope. It’s a bit contagious. Enjoy! [youtube=] With the Wii, no less! [youtube=] Weird cuts on this one but still classic. [youtube=] This one “rips” me up! [youtube=] This one is a bit long…but it makes me hungry! [youtube=] Good thing this kid was strapped down! […]

How to Upgrade your Discontinued 4gig iPhone to an 8gig


As many other 4gig iPhone owners are feeling right now, I’m a bit upset at “paying the price” of being an early adopter. I know, I know, I wanted the latest and greatest and wanted it right away. Well, now Apple no longer sells the 4 gig version AND has reduced the price of the […]

Netvibes & iPhone Compatible at last!

Netvibes alert

WOAH! I just reloaded my default home page and there is now a yellow message saying “Netvibes goes mobile! Now, you can check your Netvibes page on your mobile phone or your iPhone at the following address:” and of course I had to see how they implemented it. Well, the quick answer is, AMAZINGLY […]

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iPhone app: ApolloIM version updated to -0.9 with connection persistence

As mentioned previously, ApolloIM has been updated from version -1 to -0.9 and now includes partial “suspend mode.” I have installed and tested it and it seems to work ok. However, the author clearly notes on his development site that there are some limitations to how well this works. If, for example, your iPhone enters […]

iPhone Firmware 1.0.1 released

With little fanfare, lots of anticipation and a bit of a letdown, the first firmware update from Apple for the iPhone was officially released. It looks like it was primarily a security update with no truly outwardly visible modifications. Details on what was included in the release are below…but first a couple of thoughts. It […]

iPhone firmware 1.1 rumors – my own debunking

So there is list of potential iPhone firmware updates floating around the blogosphere. Most came out around the beginning of July. It seems like an “anonymous tipster” has submitted a laundry list of updates for the next “firmware release” for the iPhone. This list has been posted and re-posted on various tech sites including: CrunchGear, […]