Fix-it: iTunes install Error 2908 on Windows

Well, I’m back from a vacation in Mexico and have been catching up on things. Playing with my new 4 Gig iPhone and getting things working has taken a little bit of time. In the process of doing that, I saw that there was an update to iTunes for PC (I’m on Vista Ultimate) for […]

Family Tech: Easily manage what sites your kids see with Glubble

Glubble Inline Approval

Finally I have come across something to write about that truly talks to my site motto “where technology and fatherhood collide.” It is not very often that I can write about a new service or piece of software that can help a family. Computers are now as common as TVs and now kids have computers […]

PC: Nice blogging software from Microsoft – Windows Live Writer


I’m writing this using Microsoft’s latest beta of their blogging software called “Windows Live Writer“. There are lots of ways to do blog posts out there, from using the built-in blogging tools, to using Word 2007, to using programs like Ecto. All have advantages and disadvantages, unique and common features. Now I will add Windows […]

Mac: Launch applications quickly with “Namely”

Namely Search

I’m sure that many of you have already heard of QuickSilver which is one of the most powerful, free, “finder-replacement” tools out there. QS is simply amazing in letting you quickly launch programs, execute tasks, find documents…all with keyboard commands. No need to dig through hundreds upon hundreds of folders and applications to find something, […]

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Fix-it: How to remove a document stuck in your Printer Queue

Recently when I was setting up a client’s computer with Windows Printer Sharing, I ran into an issue where a document was stuck in the print queue and was brining the system down to a crawl. First I tried deleting the document from the queue the “traditional” way by opening “Printers and Faxes” and launching […]

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What HighTechDad wants for Father’s Day

I’m taking a side-step here away from my usual software and hardware posts to talk about something dear to my heart…selfishly enough, Father’s Day! I already have the best 3 gifts I could ever want, three wonderful daughters! Who could ask for more than that? Not me! So why this post then? Well, the other […] makes me happy with NEW macintosh remote control

LogMeIn for Mac

Looks like has finally won my heart. For several months, I have been looking for a cross-platform solution to manage both PC’s and Mac’s. Until now, all of my PC work has been with LogMeIn and all of my Mac work has been in a state of trial (but swinging towards which I […]

Concept: Spreading critical news viral-ly

Google Analytics Blip

Last week I had one of the “best” traffic days on my blog. Google Analytics shows a nice little blip: First, my blog is not one of those places where I get huge amounts of visitors (maybe someday but these things take time). I try to post things that are relevant and timely, interestingly, it […]

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reCaptcha – post comments and help digitize old text

I’m sure that a lot of people have heard about Captcha…if you have downloaded files from RapidShare or tried to post comments on a blog (like mine) or register for a new site service or something like that, you have probably come across Captcha. Captcha stands for Completely Automated Turing Test To Tell Computers and […]

Pheedo to Feedburner Synergy, at last!

I’m not sure what happened but after a few phone calls with the Director of Publisher Relations at Pheedo (thanks Jeff), deleting and recreating feeds and possible DNS issues at my hosting provider, it seems that my feeds are now working again, and feeding each other. To refresh on the concept, unfortunately I was unable […]

Working with Pheedo, Feedburner and Wordpress

Feedburner Issues

I have been playing around with Feedburner, Pheedo and my blog’s feeds and somewhere in the process, something got confused (or maybe I did, who knows). My old feed started showing rows and rows of the “email this * save to * add to…” etc. (See the image below) My intention was to […]